• HIM-Magazine , June-2023

    an interview with Bastiaan Mol in the German HIM-magazine about his art. Ten pages with 12 of his paintings plus an interview are shown in the June edition. This magazine is only for sale in the German speaking countries Germany , Austria, Lyxembourg and Switzerland but also via their website ,online . The magazine specifically is meant for the gay society and their website also sell underwear,swimwear and fetish articles . View the interview via the link and scroll at the right side

  • Dagblad van het Noorden

    Online publiciteit voor de expositie Precious Paperworks by Galerie Mooiman ,Groningen. Afgebeelde foto is één van de 30 schilderijen van Bastiaan Mol

  • Juturna art magazine nr 10

    Again 8 pages with my art were included in the glossy artmagazine JUTURNA .This 10th anniversary magazine is extra thick and contains even more artists that were chosen Juturna is an American-German magazine that is focussed solely on the male figure in art. 

  • Your Daily Male -2022 art calender

    Like previous years Also for the 2022 YourDailyMale calender 7 of my paintings were included in this beautiful 365 pages tear-off calender full of the art of many international artists, creating art with the male figure as a subject.

  • Your Daily Male - 2021 tear-off calender

    Like in 2020 ,seven of my paintings of the male figure, will be featured in the international Your Daily Male calender.52 international artists and photographers contributed their work .367 pages in this tear-off calender , showing every day of the year a beautiful artwork with the MAN as a subject .The calender of 2021 will be available from October 16th , via internet and to order in all dutch bookshops .But also in specialized shops in Berlin and Stuttgart,Germany and in Paris-France and London,UK  , Vienna - Austria and in Antwerp-Belgium .http://www.yourdailymale.nl/

  • Boner-Magazine (Germany)

     March 2020  , 4 pages interview with Bastiaan Mol in the BONER-Magazine. (online version , the printed version is only released in Germany , in German language)

  • GayRotterdam

    Artikel in de internetkrant  GayRotterdam.nl  over het feit dat in veel expositieruimtes geen plaats is voor (sensuele) mannen en gay  gerelateerde onderwerpen in te exposeren kunst.

    Dit,terwijl (veelal hetero-) mannen zeker geen bezwaar hebben tegen vrouwelijk naakt. Oók niet wanneer er twéé naakte vrouwen zoenend te zien zijn in een schilderij. Maar dus wèl mannelijk naakt en al helemaal geen twee naakte mannen .Zo zien we toch maar weer dat de artscene gedomineerd wordt door heteromannen . Hypokriet ook.Waar blijft de emancipatie in de artscene? Persoonlijk loop ik er telkens met mijn neus weer tegenaan .Men wil wel werken van mij exposeren ,maar géén homo-getint werk en maar zeer beperkt mannelijk naakt.

  • JUTURNA art magazine 2020

    American art magazine Juturna is sold worldwide and is specialized in the male figure in the arts. It containes paintings, photography and sculptures .Strictly no pornography,but beautiful art by international artists. I was asked to contribute to this magazine for their 5th issue ,that is also sold worldwide in a more luxury edition. Five of my paintings are spread over eight pages in this issue. The book (and the magazine) are available via the website of Juturna magazine from January 1st ,2020.  https://www.juturna-magazine.com/news/

  • Your Daily Male - 2020 tear off calender

    Galerie Mooiman asked me for a contribution to their yearly international tear-off calender. 366 pages and on each page a piece of art with men as a subject in paintings, photography,digital art . Seven of my paintings were included in this calender for the year 2020.The calender is available all over Netherlands via bookstores and internet and via Galerie Mooiman, but also in bookstores in Berlin, Paris and london.

  • Associação Alfredo Marceneiro (Portugal)

    After having painted 52 portraits of Portuguese fadosingers ( socalled "fadistas"), between 2013-2019,  I received a membership of honor from the heritage museum of long pasted fadomaster Alfredo Marceneiro , in Lisbon, where two of my paintings are part of the main exhibition. The Associação Alfredo Marceneiro : O Patriarca do Fado , gave me a document in the summer of 2019  as a thank you for my contribution ,both to their museum and the society ,but also to the portuguese world of fadomusic in general.The document was presented to me by grandson Vitor duarte Marceneiro, o

  • Lust for Life, music magazine

    large article in dutch music magazine Lust For Life  about the release of the new CD album+artbook of the band The Bullfight , november 2019. For the artbook,  sold with the CD as a set , the band asked one hundred international artists to contribute a work of art with the subject of Murderballads. I was also asked and contributed a painting especially made for the project, titled The Heel. 

  • article in Trouw , dutch newspaper

    large article in dutch newspaper Trouw about the release of the new CD album+artbook of the band The Bullfight , november 2019. For the artbook sold with the CD as a set the band asked one hundred international artists to contribute a work of art with the subject of Murderballads. I was also asked and contributed a painting especially made for the project, titled The Heel.Together with the release of this album at mega bookstore DONNER,Rotterdam  ,there also was a 6 weeks exhibition of the paintings .



  • Volkskrant (NL)

    large article in dutch newspaper De Volkskrant about the release of the new CD album+artbook of the band The Bullfight , november 2019. For the artbook sold with the CD as a set the band asked one hundred international artists to contribute a work of art with the subject of Murderballads. I was also asked and contributed a painting especially made for the project, titled The Heel. 

  • Kunstroute Kralingen-Crooswijk,Rotterdam

    already for several years now I also exhibited solo- aswell as together with the Rotterdam artists collective Karmijn at the largest art-route from Rotterdam. Starting the year 2020 I left this artists collective,but I will ofcourse still take part of the Kunstroute Kralingen as a solo artist.
